Real Estate & Housing

How Long Are Furnaces Meant to Last?

You should know several things about your furnace, from the average lifespan to how often you need to perform maintenance. A furnace is not cheap, and it is essential to understand the total costs of ownership before you decide to replace it. Repair costs can add up to 50% of the unit’s total cost. Rather than paying a $1,000 repair bill, it is better to invest in a new furnace from furnace repair near me Signal Hill and avoid costly repairs in the future.

Average Lifespan of a Gas Furnace

A gas furnace can last up to 30 years, depending on its quality. Older models may even outlast newer models. A quality gas furnace is essential because not all gas furnaces are created equal. More expensive models are more durable and feature higher-quality metal that can withstand cycling on and off during the heating season.

An average gas furnace should last 15 to 20 years, but you can significantly increase its life with proper maintenance. Invest in yearly maintenance to extend the lifespan of your gas furnace. Also, replacing it before it stops working can prevent a breakdown and leave your home without heat.

Average Lifespan of an Oil Furnace

The average lifespan of an oil furnace is 15 to 20 years, but some models can last as long as 30 years. Performing preventative maintenance and regularly cleaning the stove is essential to its longevity. Properly sized oil furnaces can be expected to last up to 25 years, and with annual inspections, owners can avoid costly repairs and safety issues.

Regular maintenance is essential for oil furnaces and can help identify potential issues before they become severe enough to require replacement. You should contact a professional heating technician immediately if you notice a problem. They can diagnose and repair any issues quickly and help you avoid significant repair costs and even the need for a new system.

Average Lifespan of a Propane Furnace

Propane furnaces typically last 15 to 20 years. Propane tanks, meanwhile, can last up to 30 years. An accredited contractor should install propane furnaces. You can also do some simple maintenance yourself. For example, changing the furnace’s air filter can increase its lifespan. Propane furnaces should be serviced at least twice a year to keep them in good working condition.

The cost to convert an oil furnace to a propane furnace ranges from $2,400 to $9,200, depending on whether you rent or buy the tank. In addition, older oil furnaces are not as efficient as modern propane models, which can mean a significant increase in the efficiency of the heating system and significant savings on heating bills.

Maintenance Required

Furnaces need routine maintenance to stay function properly and efficiently. Regular maintenance will increase the efficiency of your furnace and save you money, and ensure your family’s safety. You can choose to perform the maintenance yourself or hire a technician to perform the work. Either way, you should know what to expect when you schedule a maintenance appointment for your furnace.

An annual furnace service visit should include an extensive examination of all the furnace’s parts. The technician will check the furnace’s controls’ operation and the functioning of the burners, flame sensor, and electrical components. If any of these components isn’t functioning correctly, they can become a fire hazard or lead to carbon monoxide leaks.

Signs of a Failing Furnace

There are many signs that a furnace is in trouble. For example, if the temperature in your home is consistently below freezing, this may be an indication that the stove is faulty. Also, if you notice that the water from the condensate line is pooling around the heating equipment, this could signify that your furnace needs repair or replacement. While you may be tempted to fix this problem yourself, you should hire a professional to do this work.

A failing furnace can cause various problems, from lower temperatures to a higher utility bill. So while you might be tempted to wait until winter to have the furnace repaired, it’s always better to catch problems early.